
You can take latest build in Releases. Add it and dependencies to your application.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>

Using the build system, you can install a library from npm

npm install d3-node-editor

Import as follows

import * as D3NE from "d3-node-editor";

Node.js (optionally, only for processing on the server)

import { Engine, ComponentWorker } from "d3-node-editor/build/d3-node-editor.engine";

Getting started

Editor components

Create needed Sockets

var numSocket = new D3NE.Socket('number', 'Number value', 'hint');

Define them styles

    background: #96b38a

Create some components

var numComp = new D3NE.Component('Number',{
    builder(node) {
        var out = new D3NE.Output('Number',numSocket); 
        var numControl = new D3NE.Control('<input type="number">',(element, control)=>{
            control.putData('num', 1);

        return node
    worker(node, inputs, outputs){
        outputs[0] =;

var addComp = new D3NE.Component('Add',{
    template: '<div .... ',
      return node;
    async worker(node, inputs, outputs){
       await asyncTask();

var components = [numComp,addComp];

Initialize context menu and node editor

<div id="d3ne" class="node-editor"></div>

var menu = new D3NE.ContextMenu({
                    'Action': function(){alert('Subitem selected');}
                    'Number': numComp, 
                    'Add': addComp
var container = document.querySelector('#d3ne');
var editor = new D3NE.NodeEditor('demo@0.1.0', container, components, menu);

Use the Engine to start processing the data (also avaliable cross-platform Engine)

var engine = new D3NE.Engine('demo@0.1.0', components);

editor.eventListener.on('change', async () => {
    await engine.abort();            
    var status = await engine.process(editor.toJSON());            

Full code and example you can take on the Codepen


