

Grouping nodes helps to highlight a few nodes with a common sub-goal.

To add groups, there are two ways: select the desired node and press the G key or by using the context menu. This creates the group to which the selected node will be added. To add other nodes, you can move them over a group or resize the group by placing it under the desired nodes. Reverse actions allow you to remove nodes from the group. To remove a group, you can select a group (by clicking on it), and press Del or use the context menu. In this case, all nodes in it are not removed

Group has a title that you can change by clicking on it.

Creating groups programmatically:

// creating empty group with same position and sizes
var group = new D3NE.Group("Name", {position: [0,0], width: 400, height:200});

// сreate a group with nodes
var group = new D3NE.Group("Name", {nodes: arrayNodes});
// or add nodes latelly
group.coverNodes(arrayNodes); // position and sized of the group are calculated to cover the selected nodes

Also you can add (or remove) same node to group, but because of this there may be a mismatch with the belonging of the node to the group and the arrangement above it:

if(group.isCoverNode(node)) // check if the node is above the group